Understanding Policing Delivery: Tākata Whaikaha, D/deaf and Disabled People

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What is this research about? He aha te kaupapa o taua nei rakahau?

The New Zealand Police are working with a group of researchers to help them understand bias that occurs in policing. Understanding Policing Delivery (UPD) is an independent research programme that will help identify whether, where, and how much bias exists in the Police. The findings will help ensure Police policy and practice is fair and equitable to all, including for tākata whaikaha, D/deaf and disabled people.

Understanding Policing Delivery: Tākata Whaikaha, D/deaf and Disabled People is a standalone study within the wider UPD research project. A better understanding of disabled people’s experiences will enable Police to address matters of equity and fairness, build legitimacy, deliver more equitable, inclusive and accessible Police services, support social cohesion and reduce harm for tākata whaikaha, D/deaf and disabled people, their whānau, and our communities. 


Who can participate in this research? Mā wai e whakauru? 

In the first part of this research we want to talk to 20 disabled people who have experience with the Police. We want to talk to people about their experiences of being:

  • stopped by the Police
  • questioned by the Police
  • arrested by the Police

 All participants must be of or over the age of 18 and be able to provide informed consent to participate.

We may also talk to a small number of whānau and/or close supporters of disabled people who cannot provide informed consent on their own behalf. Whānau and close supporters will be asked to share their own personal reflections on the Police interaction (and not speak on the disabled person’s behalf). 

In the second part of the research we want to talk to 10 members of the New Zealand Police with knowledge of or experience with the disability community.


What do I do if I want to register my interest? Mē pēhea au i whakatapoko i taua nei kaupapa? 

To register your interest in a disability interview, please fill out a Disability Participant Interest Form. You will find accessible and alternative formats of the Participant Interest Forms in the tabs below. You can also contact our research team and we will help you fill out a form.

To register your interest in a Police interview, please fill out a Police Participant Interest Form.


Lydie Schmidt (Kairuruku / Research Assistant)

Waea mai / Free phone: 0800 878 839

Īmēra mai / Email: lschmidt@donaldbeasley.org.nz


Kairakahau - Researchers

Police-experienced disabled people who would like to participate in this research, can choose which researcher/s they would like to work with. 

Dr Kelly Tikao

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Associate Professor Brigit Mirfin-Veitch
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Lydie Schmidt
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Wally Noble
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