Developing a Twin Track Response to Family and Sexual Violence Against Wāhine Whaikaha, D/deaf and Disabled Women

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He aha te kaupapa o taua nei rakahau? What is this research about?

Nā tō rourou, nā taku rourou,
 ka ora ai tō tātou whānau                                                                                               

This whakataukī encapsulates the notion that while working in isolation might result in survival, working together as a whānau can take us beyond survival and onto prosperity.

Wāhine whaikaha, D/deaf and disabled women experience high rates of family and sexual violence. 

Over the past few years the New Zealand Government has done a lot of work to understand family and sexual violence, and to develop a whole of government approach to its prevention. 

This research supports the government’s long term commitment to eliminate violence and abuse and their immediate goal of reducing its impact on wāhine whaikaha, D/deaf and disabled women. It will generate knowledge that will help sectors to learn from each other, collaborate, and use their individual and shared expertise to respond to violence and abuse experienced by disabled women.

The aim of this research is to co-design a model that can help change the way supports and services work, so they are rights-based and responsive to wāhine whaikaha, D/deaf, and disabled women who have experienced violence and abuse. 

To do this, the research has three different but interlinking parts:

  1. Wāhine whaikaha Māori (Māori disabled women) and Kaupapa Māori Services
  2. D/deaf and disabled women
  3. Service providers in violence and abuse prevention

Me aha mēnā au ka hiahia ki te whai wāhi? What do I do if I want to take part?

Participant recruitment for Parts 1 and 3 will occur through eight pre-established 'sites' throughout Aotearoa New Zealand. A site is an area where services have said they’re interested in sharing their experiences of working with disabled women to respond to violence and abuse, and to co-design a twin-track model that can be responsive to the experiences of Wāhine Whaikaha, D/deaf and Disabled Women in Aotearoa.

We are now recruiting for Part 2 (D/deaf and disabled women). If you are interested in participating in an interview, please read the Information Sheet in the tab above, before expressing your interest using a Participant Interest Form.

Research Team

  • Assoc. Prof. Brigit Mirfin-Veitch (Kaiwhakahaere/Director, Donald Beasley Institute)
  • Assoc. Prof. Patsie Frawley (Ahoraki Tūhono/Associate Professor, University of Waikato)
  • Dr Kelly Tikao (Kairakahau Māori/Senior Māori Researcher, Donald Beasley Institute)
  • Dr Debbie Hager (Pūkeka/Lecturer, University of Auckland)
  • Dr Robbie Francis Watene (Kairakahau Matua/Senior Researcher, Donald Beasley Institute)
  • Mary-Kaye Wharakura (Kairakahau Māori/Māori Researcher, Independent)
  • Umi Asaka (Paewai Rakahau/Junior Research Fellow, Donald Beasley Institute)
  • Eden Tuisaula (Kairuruku/Research Assistant, Donald Beasley Institute) 


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