What is this research about? He aha te kaupapa o taua nei rakahau?
Special Olympics is an organisation in Aotearoa New Zealand that encourages people with learning disabilities to become involved in sport. But sometimes people with learning disabilities:
- Don’t know about Special Olympics, sports or physical activities;
- Can’t be involved in Special Olympics, sports or physical activities;
- Or don’t want to be involved in Special Olympics, sports or physical activities.
This research asks the question: Why?
We want to learn more about what people with learning disabilities think and know about Special Olympics, sports and physical activities.
What do I do if I want to learn more about the project? Mē pēhea au i whakatapoko i taua nei kaupapa?
Participant recruitment for this project is now closed. If you'd like to know more about the project, please contact the Donald Beasley Institute.